
Proverbs Expanded APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 12.0
  • 4.2

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

Análisis Softonic

Proverbios ampliados: Explorando la sabiduría de los proverbios

Proverbs Expanded is an educational and reference application available on Android. This app provides a comprehensive collection of 60 major proverbs, each accompanied by stories and examples to help users better understand their meanings.

With Proverbs Expanded, users can easily access and explore a wide range of proverbs, from well-known ones like "A stitch in time saves nine" and "Actions speak louder than words" to lesser-known ones like "The child is the father of the man" and "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." Each proverb is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for users to grasp the wisdom behind them.

The app is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to navigate through the proverbs effortlessly. Whether you are a student looking to expand your knowledge of proverbs or simply interested in exploring the wisdom of these timeless sayings, Proverbs Expanded is a valuable resource that provides an engaging and informative experience.

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Proverbs Expanded APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 12.0
  • 4.2

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

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